Curriculum & Assessments
We utilize the California Infant/Toddler & Preschool Learning Foundations and Curriculum Frameworks developed by the CA. Department of Education to guide our teaching. These texts include foundational competencies for young learners ages 0-5 including: mathematics, language and literacy, English language development, social-emotional development, visual and performing arts, physical development, health, history/social science, and science. To support teaching these foundations, our preschool teachers use the Creative Curriculum created by Teaching Strategies LLC.
We utilize the Desired Results Development Profile (DRDP2015) to assess each child's learning and development twice per year. The DRDP results, as well as a portfolio of work samples and pictures, is shared with parents during parent-teacher conferences. We also administer the Ages and Stages Questionnaire (ASQ) twice per year. This assessment is completed by parents in order to inform our staff on each child's development and experiences in the home. This allows us to partner with parents to support their child's development, and helps guide our teaching in the classroom.